martes, 11 de febrero de 2014



Meekly and nonstop rains, it rains reluctantly but with infinite patience, as all life, ...

George came with bated breath shouting, "That relief horror opening the door."
Pete terrified to hear her cries immediately opens the door of his home was still closed because there was still no light and when I have the restaurant.
Pete exclaims upon seeing George "wow that face you bring friend had seen something horrible seemed you okay, you happens to you."?
to the existing shouting, Elizabeth goes inside the kitchen walking towards addressing George while we question "occurring as soon as you george Here, you all right."?
George responds "hear Pete, elisabet, I have something very important to tell"!
Elizabeth is very unscrupulous, nervous and impatient
exclaims "Why God want to tell us what the hell is wrong with you once and for all?"
"Affection a little understanding, you do not see he can not articulate Elisabet word let him recover and tell us what happens," agrees Pete.
Suddenly George slumped down on the dais round where tables and chairs are being inert support and lying in the middle of the restaurant, to the bewilderment of Elizabeth and Pete could not astonished believe what was happening and unable to do anything but watch as George falls on the floor ... in a position to make a body silhouette.

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