jueves, 1 de mayo de 2014

fragmento de " mas allá de este mundo " " bellond this world"

fragmento e principio de uno de mis relatos, " Mas allá de este mundo."

Jack Iba caminando absorto en sus pensamientos, taciturnos y mas que profundos para entenderlos, hasta para el mismo, mientras las hojas del pertinaz otoño jugaban al corre que te pillo formando montones de hojas que una encima de otras parecían nidos de aves, el viento silbaba con melancolía como en esas películas del oeste antes de comenzar el duelo entre pistoleros.Jack estaba profundamente afectado y apesadumbrado, hacia pocos minutos le comunicaron que su padre había fallecido, y pese a que no tenía relación con el hacia ya unos cuantos años, le afectó notablemente, siempre tuvo idolatrado a su padre cuando era un niño pensaba que era un superhéroe de aquellas revistas de su infancia, similar al guerrero del antifaz
                          ☆  ☆ ☆

fragment and the beginning of one of my stories, "Beyond this world." Jack was walking deep in thought, taciturn and rather than deep to understand, even for the same, while the leaves of persistent autumn playing the runs that I catch you forming piles of leaves on top of each other seemed nests of birds, the wind whistled wistfully as in those western movies before the duel between pistoleros.Jack was deeply concerned and sorry, just minutes to him that his father had died , and despite having no relation to quite a few years, greatly affected him, he always had idolized his father as a child thought he was a superhero of those journals of his childhood, similar to warrior mask

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