lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2013

deep in your eyes

The metaphor is the dying breath of the poet who suffers from uneven than what are the feelings and emotions ... promiscuous

and now I'm going to give away music for emotions through one of my many poems that go introduced dropwise in this blog, I hope that your emotions get shot to read all these poems are published in a poetry anthology at which are registered in intellectual property.

The depth of your eyes
I hinted, I talk, shout me

Your sense arrhythmic
Rhetorical Algorithm

In his ladder Sound
Sweet tinkling sound to strident

Chisel your look
After the bars melted

In metaphysics
Energy, Levite my heart
Half emotion half boom boom

Do sprout imagination
Among rivers of blood

Ying yang seek life
That completely changes

A sleepy hearts
Found by

The energy of the universe

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