lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2013

Visitors of space

Visitors novel fragment of space ... When the ship starts to oscillate in all directions and angles, external flash to emit from their extra light planetary base mind perceive his presence and intention of coupling, the ship changes color shades strangers and even their morphological form begins to vary , oscillate and change shape as mercury to deposit it in a table.
The ship becomes gelatinous and rocks as the waves of mercury, are going through the asteroid belt, we see gigantic asteroid a thousand ways go ahead, back in forth in all possible angles, is indescribable as the ship opens the way for a very dense asteroid belt ... Ugh, take a deep breath ...
Downloading a whole gale of panic, fear and amazement at what he just experienced, Samentan beside me and the rest of the crew without even blinking are truly amazing creatures.
Neither the event, brought no reaction of joy or happiness by my 4 visitors from space, it seems that lacked feelings or at least have deep inside, or through an asteroid belt was commonplace for them or maybe both things.
Hopelessly question sprang after my inner reflection, to Samentan telepathically, I have observed that you have not shown major elation or joy achieve overcome the barrier of the asteroid belt, could you explain it properly.
If you gerard, as when you did the reflection on the inside you are right with your conclusion, is for both reasons one is that our feelings are interior and externalize with facts, not thoughts or words, as you know we want to help your civilization and your planet that does not end in extinction, is logically by our sense of empathy we have with the universe, and of course also for your second point around which of course have gone through many asteroid belts, also explosions and drives supernovae, meteor shower, ships burning and opening laser fire near cinturefel, across the galaxy of time, we have gone through alleged dangers and we've seen things you and other thousands of civilizations in the universe you could not even imagine ...
But our feelings are so pure, that wish well to all our universe and its civilizations, and we are always willing to help with our entire universe perfectly.
We are the most advanced civilization in the universe and among other reasons, it is our main motive power assist all civilizations that exist in our universe and set shared by all.

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